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About the magazine

“PULSE” – is an abbreviation from the English language, and its extension:



Language (or Lаw),



(“Profi Universiteti: language (or law), science, education”)

guvohnoma guvohnoma

Magazine overview


Profi University, pochta manzili: 100158, Toshkent shahar, Bektemir tumani, Husayn Boyqaro ko‘chasi, 117-uy.

Jurnalning davriyligi

Jurnal bir yilda to‘rt marta (keyinchalik ro‘yxatga oluvchi organga ma’lum qilgan holda ikki va undan ortiq), o‘zbek (ayrim hollarda rus, nemis, ingliz, turk) tillarida nashr etiladi.

Magazine publication date

15th of every third month

Journal Distribution Method

The electronic version of the journal is available on the official website and can be downloaded in PDF format. The magazine is distributed on a subscription basis, meaning readers can get each issue of the magazine by mail or e-mail or from the official website.

The main purpose of the journal

 supporting the education policy of the head of state and the government, contributing to the implementation of tasks aimed at training qualified personnel;

 broad promotion of the government's policy of support and development of science;

 to convey to the general public the achievements and best practices in all spheres;

 acquaintance with modern advanced views, revitalization of scientific activities, increasing the scientific prestige and potential of the university;

 strengthening participation in various innovative research, further increasing the scientific and practical significance of research.

Editorial life

Abduxalilova Madinabonu.

O'quv uslubiy boshqarma bosh mutaxassisi


Abdurasulov Javlonbek.

Pedagogik masalalar bo‘yicha rektor maslahatchisi


Boltayeva Jamela.

O'quv uslubiy boshqarma bosh mutaxassisi


Mardonova Mubina.

O'quv uslubiy boshqarma bosh mutaxassisi


To'rayev Qosimjon.

Pedagogik masalalar bo‘yicha maslahatchisi


Po'latov Ulug'bek.

Bosh muharrir o'rinbosariPedagogik masalalar bo‘yicha rektor maslahatchisi
