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System of continuing education and teacher training in Finland

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Specific features of the Finnish education system, teacher education, the historical foundations of teacher education in Finland and the current teacher education curriculum, as well as its main features and principles The information about is covered in detail. A comparative analysis of the education system of Uzbekistan with Finnish education was carried out. Equity and consistent, collaborative efforts are behind the success of Finnish education. Some of the main features of the current education system, the teacher education reforms of the late 1960s and 1970s, are key to the development of Finnish education. One of these reforms was the abolition of "nationalized, standardized" tests. "Finnish schools do not use standardized tests to determine student achievement. There are three main reasons for this.


Author's opinion

Po'latov Ulug'bek.

Bosh muharrir o'rinbosariPedagogik masalalar bo‘yicha rektor maslahatchisi


"In this article, the specific features of the Finnish education system, teacher education, the historical basis of teacher education in Finland and the current teacher education curriculum, as well as its main features and principles Information about is covered in detail. A comparative analysis of the education system of Uzbekistan with Finnish education was conducted."